Battlefield V: Mercury Map

Battlefield V: Mercury Map
I was responsible for the majority of the map specific VFX

Mercury Fly through showing various environments in the map and the fx in each location. From fiery plane wrecks, to blowing leaves and dust, to paratroopers jumping out of planes in the background.

Destroyed hanger - Responsible for all FX in this shot

Destroyed hanger - Responsible for all FX in this shot

Destroyed runway shot - Responsible for all fx in shot

Destroyed runway shot - Responsible for all fx in shot

There is an intense rainstorm that cycles through in Mercury, I was responsible for making sure all the fx adjusted appropriately to the weather changes.

There is an intense rainstorm that cycles through in Mercury, I was responsible for making sure all the fx adjusted appropriately to the weather changes.

Here I am playing with the rain settings to show off some of the controls I can adjust for the proper feeling. Settings I play with include, raindrop size, intensity, clustering, impacts sizes, opacity, wind influence and on screen droplets.